圈层汇聚,掀起绿色新浪潮,精英荟萃、举杯交错,艺术与精神和谐交融,营造繁华都市中顶尖的聚集地。The gathering of circles has sparked a new wave of green, with elites gathering and toasting, harmoniously blending art and spirit, creating a top gathering place in a bustling city.
公寓大堂的设计融入“花城”四季开花的概念,以黑白时尚打底,描绘干净高级的典雅殿堂。The design of the apartment lobby incorporates the concept of "Flower City" blooming all year round, with a black and white fashion background, depicting a clean and high-end elegant hall.
“珠江烟波接海长,春潮微带落霞光。 ”项目建筑描绘的 “千年珠江波浪的柔美弧线”与珠江的水韵情怀是大堂的设计灵感。"The the Pearl River stretches across the sea, and the spring tide brings the sunset light." The design inspiration of the lobby is the "soft arc of the millennium the Pearl River waves" depicted by the project architecture and the water charm of the the Pearl River.
旋转楼梯以珠江之水流动的形态为构想贯穿空间,形成了更富有韵律和耐人寻味的故事脉络。The spiral staircase runs through the space with the idea of the flowing shape of the Pearl River, forming a more rhythmic and interesting story context.
空间的比列上运用竖向的分割,贯通于面,连接于线,呈现开阔之境。Vertical segmentation is used in the spatial comparison, connecting surfaces and lines, presenting an open space.
同时在空间的材质上多种天然石材与古铜的渲染,凸显典雅奢华的气质。At the same time, a variety of natural stone and bronze renderings are used in the material of the space, highlighting the elegant and luxurious temperament.
金属石材的清冷和花朵柔软的美融合在一起,展现了一种高姿态的静美与优雅。The combination of the coldness of metal stone and the soft beauty of flowers showcases a high posture of tranquility and elegance.
以花的细节化作时间的细节,为空间塑造情感,带来温度。Transforming the details of flowers into the details of time, shaping emotions and bringing warmth to space.
感受纹理与精细的材质之间的相互交融、碰撞,在品味的过程中对生活产生新的憧憬。Experience the mutual fusion and collision between textures and fine materials, and create a new longing for life in the process of tasting.
编织感布艺挂饰,弱化了风格上的硬朗感,增加了一丝柔和之美。The woven fabric pendant weakens the sense of firmness in style and adds a touch of softness.
人与花的美丽相遇,是刹那的心动与凝望,是心与美的映照。The beautiful encounter between people and flowers is a momentary heartbeat and gaze, a reflection of heart and beauty.
美在于形,更在于神。所有的心动与感知,只在此刻的相遇里。Beauty lies not only in form, but also in God. All the emotions and sensations are only present in the meeting at this moment.
纯粹简单,遵从著独属自身的美学秩序。Pure simplicity, following its own aesthetic order.
心之所向,就能花开无尽。画中之花在无形间沁入人心。With the direction of one's heart, flowers can bloom endlessly. The flowers in the painting seep into the heart invisibly.
通过巧妙的布局,回溯著岭南文化的意趣闲情,将美好的寓意采撷入室。Through clever layout, tracing back the charm and leisure of Lingnan culture, we capture the beautiful meanings into the room.
在开放的空间中,大面积的落地窗为空间引入充裕的自然光。In an open space, large french window introduce abundant natural light to the space.
溶于鲜花的茶几,在每一朵花开里,是心与美的映照。The coffee table dissolved in fresh flowers is a reflection of heart and beauty in every blooming flower.
阳光、明媚的色彩共同渲染了空间气韵,构建出一幅闲适生活的惬意画卷。The combination of sunshine and bright colors creates a sense of space and creates a comfortable and leisurely atmosphere.
复古的精致腔调与东方意境糅合,变化的纹理与复古色彩交织,为休闲享受注入质感格调。The exquisite retro tone blends with the Eastern artistic conception, and the changing textures interweave with retro colors, injecting a sense of texture into leisure enjoyment.
简约、永恒、奢华和现代主义是永不过时的视觉元素。Simplicity, eternity, luxury, and modernism are timeless visual elements.
清新绿植与花艺婀娜生姿,是散落的点缀。Fresh green plants and graceful flower art are scattered embellishments.
空间结构明确美观,摒弃一切多余而浮夸的修饰, 处处体现出广府岭南情调和追求自由、自然,立意在先的意境。The spatial structure is clear and beautiful, abandoning all unnecessary and grandiose decorations, reflecting the Lingnan sentiment of Guangfu and the pursuit of freedom, nature, and a preconceived artistic conception.
与自然相居,在东西交融中,现代的精致使人沉醉其中。Living in harmony with nature, in the fusion of East and West, modern delicacy intoxicates people.
钟情于优雅的生活格调,多功能区域在视线的交叠中,亦能组合出精美的画框。Loving the elegant lifestyle style, the multifunctional area can also be combined to create exquisite picture frames in the overlapping view.
在四时变幻景致,让自然的色彩始终谱写生活明媚的曲调。In the changing scenery of the four seasons, let the natural colors always compose the beautiful melody of life.
艺术画作《繁花·生长》讲述一场生命的轮回、一首关于生命礼赞的浪漫诗歌。The art painting "Flowers: Growth" tells the story of a cycle of life and a romantic poem about the praise of life.
泳池区半抬高通透亚克力处理,犹如一个漂浮的水晶盒子。The swimming pool area is semi elevated and transparent with acrylic treatment, like a floating crystal box.
引入世界名画梵高《星空》作为泳池马赛克的应用、结合地面拼花石材,呈现空间高贵奢华的艺术气息。Introducing the world-renowned painting Van Gogh's "Starry Sky" as an application of swimming pool mosaic, combined with ground parquet stone, presents a noble and luxurious artistic atmosphere in the space.
池畔多功能灵活空间,增加空间的自由度和多样性,将自然之美与人文之美完全融合。The multifunctional and flexible space by the pond increases the freedom and diversity of the space, fully integrating the beauty of nature and humanity.
以广州中西交融的多国文化为灵感来源,打造了多种不同风格的场所空间。Taking inspiration from the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures in Guangzhou, we have created various different styles of venue spaces.
广州厅 “巧借 ”了余荫山房、岭南亭桥楼榭,曲径回栏等岭南特色元素进行提炼演变。The Guangzhou Hall cleverly borrowed and refined Lingnan characteristic elements such as the Yuyin Mountain House, Lingnan Pavilion, Bridge and Pavilion, and winding paths and railings.
以现代手法演绎到空间布局中,打造极具地域特色的文化空间。Translate modern techniques into spatial layout to create a cultural space with strong regional characteristics.
京都厅提炼日式元素并加以简化和丰富,风尘俱静、禅味悠长。The Kyoto Hall extracts Japanese elements and simplifies and enriches them, creating a tranquil atmosphere and a long-lasting Zen flavor.
北京厅将西方的文化与北京皇城府邸文化进行结合, 于万物之中观万物,俯瞰京城。The Beijing Hall combines Western culture with the culture of the imperial palace in Beijing, viewing everything in the midst of everything and overlooking the capital city.
无论哪一种空间表达,都充满诗意与温度,让生活有了多重审美意趣。Regardless of the spatial expression, it is full of poetry and warmth, giving life multiple aesthetic interests.